It's a touchy subject with some... my husband really wants to turn Rockwell around at 1 for various reasons (he can't see, he'll be a better traveler, get's car sick, legs uncomfortable, etc)... but after researching it out, I'm pretty sure we'll keep him Rear-Facing until 2. For this fact alone: "children under 2 are 75% less likely to die or sustain serious injury when rear-facing."
NHTSA now recommends: "Your child should remain in a rear-facing car seat until he or she reaches the top height or weight limit allowed by your car seat’s manufacturer."
(Average limits are 35-40 pounds and 49 inches... anyone know any 2 year olds that big? Not me! Pretty sure Rock will turn 2 before he hits those limits)
I found a good website here that goes over reasons to turn keep kids rear0facing, even if you've already turn your child forward, and even if they are 20 months old and out grow there carseat, to buy an accommodating carseat until they are 2... it's pretty adamant on keeping your child safe, not taking any chances, because it's just not worth it.
Rockwell is 11 months old, let's hope he can last another 13 months!
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