Sunday, September 4, 2011

Top Five Favorite Things

1- Baby Bjorn: I use this all the time, on walks, hikes, grocery shopping, cooking, you name it- Rock loves it!

2- Bob Revolution Stroller: This stroller glides like a dream and turns like a dream and is an all-terrian, running, walking, everyday use stroller. It's actually fun to push! Rockwell loves it and we bought the car seat adapter that converts into a tray that Rock also loves to hang on to or rest he's feet on. The other must have for this is the cup holder attachment that goes around the handle bars.

3- Binki Clip: a definite must, with how much my little man loves his bink this is the saving grace from having to pick it up every few seconds that he drops it (and preventing it from dropping and getting germs). The best use for this is Bedtime, now he can't loose it and he always knows how to find it in the middle of the night. Life Saver!

4- Canon Camera: I have loved learning to use my camera... I still have so much to learn and would like to upgrade, but love the quality of pictures it takes. We bust this guy out almost everyday!

5- Ipad: love, love, love! We use this for almost everything (it was my best friend in the first few months of nursing, when feeding would take over an hour) and we love all the different apps (top ones are *icam (works as a baby monitor, sends me notification if there is any movement and then I can watch and hear Rockwell live at any time) *white noise pro (has 15 or so options for white noise... we use in Rock's room every night) *LDS scriptures (makes scripture study much easier, we have it read aloud to us while we eat breakfast every morning) *Videos (great for long trips and has awesome battery life).

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how we lived before the ipad! Seriously, there are SO MANY amazing apps on that thing. We have Katelyn tracing her alphabet letters before bed, and Lauren uses it for math games. It is AMAZING!!!! LOVE your list of top 5!
